The smell of summer

by - May 30, 2012

We have the loveliest may flower tree in our backyard. You can smell it all over the neighborhood, and if we leave the kitchen door open, the whole house smells like summer and flowers and sunshine and happiness.

It's lovely. It's a gorgeous tree, and sometimes, when it's too cold to have the doors open, I pick a few flowers to put in my room. Then my room smells like happiness. Sometimes it even motivates me to get things clean my room. Heh.

What's your favorite summer smell?

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  1. Summer looks beautiful in your neck of the woods, Gwenea. I love those photos... so fresh and bright!

  2. We used to have a tree like that.... it was so beautiful, and smelled perfectly amazing, but then someone (thinking it was the power company or something came and cut it down. Rotten old rutabagas. Bah humbug.

    ~Nessima of Arda Nessimavav

  3. I have to agree that the flowers are a favorite summer scent of mine. I also love the smell of chlorine from the pool, call me crazy! :)

  4. I love the smell of flowers. It makes me want to spring clean. :)


  5. That's my favorite too! It's called a mayday (because it blooms in May) btw.


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