
The Royal Wedding!

by - April 29, 2011

While, I was not a loyal enough subject to actually get up at 4 in the morning, I did manage to catch the procession out of the Abbey and onto Buckingham Palace. Basically, I got out of bed, looking and feeling especially groggy for some reason, sat down on the couch and turned on the Television set.

First of all, I was amazed by Princess Catherine's dress. I had been living with the fear that it would be something tasteless and sleazy, but I was happily mistaken! It is certainly one of the most beautiful wedding dresses I have ever seen.

Oh, and I had to add this;
Brother Number Two, upon seeing the Princess in all her splendor, remarked; "Why is she marrying William? She's too pretty to be marrying him! He's ugly!"

I'm a sucker for lace...

And long trains. I love long trains.

I loved how the dress was modest, beautiful, but not frumpy or anything like that. The dress almost looks like it was made strapless, but the lace was added for modesty. The bodice dips quite low in the back, but is covered by the lace 'jacket.' I found that look quite elegant, actually. I loved it.

Here's an okay view of the back;

And a much better view of the back;

I loved her veil. I'm not sure what the material is, but I love how it's sheer and flowy! :D

I actually didn't like the front of the bodice. I have never been a v-slit fan, and I would have preferred to see the lace completely cover her chest, but that's just me. I also didn't really like the style of the top of the bodice. Ah well. ;)

Here, you can see her tiara fairly well. Isn't is gorgeous? I  love how she kept her hair down, she looks like a total fairy-tale Princess.
  (I also love William's uniform. hehehe)

Heh. Adding to the whole Fairy-tale feel, they drove from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace in an open carriage! Anyone else thinking of Cinderella right now?

I just had to post this. ;) awwww!

So yes. Turns out, this post was pretty much all about Princess Catherine's dress. (augh! I keep wanting to call her Kate!)

To see other highlights of the Wedding, (The kiss, the procession, etc...) click THIS link. 
I just wanted to note, I loved Her Majesty's dress. Not so much her hat, but meh...
I was also disappointed to see the Princess Consort dressed in white. I thought that was kind of tasteless.

Anyway, I'm off to stalk more wedding things, especially clips, because now I am regretting not watching the whole thing! ;)

Have a lovely day! (I'll do my best, even though it's SNOWING. waaaaahhhh! I thought for sure Spring was here!)

God bless,

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  1. This whole wedding is so beautiful! I want my dress to look like hers, but not exactly!

  2. I, too, did not rise at 4 A.M. to watch this, but it was not because I didn't *want* to, but because I forgot! *blushes profusely* I know, I know. Luckily, my momma reminded us all of it, and we were able to turn on the TV at 8:30 A.M. and view a few of the highlights. So, I didn't miss it completely. :)

    Aah... Catherine's dress. 'Tis absolutely gorgeous. Everything about it: the train, the lace... *sigh* I just love lace. :) I agree with you, though: the front of the gown was not quite to my tastes. Still, it was pretty. :) And she and William look so sweet together! ♥

    The open carriage, the horses, the fact that she wore her hair down... From the little I saw, it truly looked like a fairytale wedding. :)

    Love ya, dear!
    Elizabeth Rose

  3. I love love love love love the dress. Everything about it!!

  4. Ooooh!!! I love her dress!!! :) I agree that I would change the front. I love the carriage!!!!

    I have to say that I don't think I would want to be a royal. If I got married EVERYONE would be watching! I would not like that very much. :)
    Christ is Risen!!

  5. Mhmm, she is gorgeous. And her dress is too :)
    I didn't see the whole wedding, but I saw the kiss and a bit of the reception on online live.

  6. I TOTALLY agree with the comments about her dress! I had the same concerns.

  7. I just had to drop by to see what you ladies were saying about the big day! My daughter Olivia and I were invited to attend a "Royal Wedding-Viewing" party at my sister's house. She served tea, homemade fruitcake, lemon pound cake, tea sandwiches, apples and cheddar. Olivia dressed (and her dolls) dressed in their finest priness attire. We received little tiaras as party favours. I will be posting pics in a few days.

  8. @Adriana: Oh my, that sounds lovely! I can't wait to see the pictures!

  9. I love the dress too! (Apart from the neckline.) Lace and long sleeves are lovely...I hope it sets a new trend. :) And I think Prince William is a very nice-looking guy.

  10. Her dress was beautiful! Classy and elegant. :) Was a true fairy tale wedding!

  11. Oh hey, Its the Duchess of Cambridge. She will never be addressed as Princess because she was never from the royal family. Only the Queen can bestow that (hence Camilla is not called Princess Camilla but Camilla duchess of whatever...)

    and Pippa looked gorgeous..
    ugh gtg
    love you!

  12. I love her wedding dress, veil, and Terra. And I love how they do her hair! She looked sooooo pretty!
    I watched the video that you linked too, and they barely even kissed! they did a short little kiss.
    Is it just me, or did anyone else think that they didn't really kiss? I want to know what everyone else thought about that :)

    Please someone respond!


  13. I just realized something! Her and I have the same name! My name is Katherine too! Everyone just calls me Katie :D . LOL! That's COOL!

    Just thought I'd say that :D .


  14. @Katie: I thought it was a perfect kiss. Chaste, sweet, and lovely. I was glad they didn't do an overly showy or gross one. ;)

  15. Well, it was sweet. But it didn't seem like they loved each other that much when they kissed. My brothers wedding was the day after theirs, and they did a really nice kiss. I'm just saying that it look ed like a kiss that was hurried. like it wasn't a love kiss. Do you understand what I'm saying? I hope you do.


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