
i haven't held my baby brother in two days

by - May 14, 2011

Because I've been so very very ill, my mother hasn't let me anywhere near me anywhere NEAR my baby brother. RARG.

I see his big eyes staring at me, and I feel like I have to hold him, or DIE. But I can't.

I want to eat him up.

Unfortunately, I'm still contagious, and while I am desperately wanting to cuddle him, I'd feel rotten if I let my selfish physical wants get him sick.


Whoops! How did that picture get in there? ARRRRG. I'm just torturing myself. Really. But he's just so perfect! And he looks very good in blue.

Maybe, I'll just remind myself that in four years, I'll be wanting to sell him to gypsies. He'll be stealing my things (or most likely destroying them), pulling my hair, making huge messes everywhere, and generally driving me out of my mind...


Pfffft. Who am I kidding?

Four years is a long time, and I WANNA CUDDLE HIM NOW!

Well everyone, prayers for a swift (as swiftly as possible!) recovery would be infinitely appreciated!

And sorry about this totally lame and dumb post. I'm still feeling rather brain-dead, and I wanted to rant to someone who wouldn't tell me to suck it up and go take some more Vitamin C.

God bless you!

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  1. I'll be praying for you!!!!!

    Your brother looks ADORABLE!!!!!

    I wasn't allowed to hold one of my sisters when she was born because I had gotten pink eye from the hospital. :/

  2. Oh, thanks dear!

    Really? I've never gotten pinkeye before, but I can imagine it must have been horrible!

  3. HE IS SO CUTE! Is his name really Septimus?

  4. Ahaha no! Milisande named him that, so I just played along, so I guess that's his blogger name now! :D

  5. He's cute! I will pray!

  6. Precious! Love the newborn stage so much. Who made the gorgeous blue sweater?

  7. I said his name was Septimus because he is the seventh baby!

  8. @ Adriana I think it was machine made. Not sure, but it was a baptismal gift from some friends! It is adorable though! :D

    @Milisande yesssss....I know. :P

  9. Your brother is sooooo cute! I feel for you not being able to hold him! I hope you get better soon!!!!!


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