

by - January 04, 2013

You all remember that list I wrote at the beginning of last year? It's time to review it and see how much I accomplished.

I'm actually sort of nervous. To be honest, 2012 wasn't my most productive year. It hit a lot of roadblocks, especially ones related to my creativity. But here we go! 
  1. Learn a new Pride and Prejudice piece on the piano. 
  2. Sketch Peeta Mellark. (I started about four times...but never finished. oh well.)
  3. Sew a skirt. 
  4. And maybe a regency dress.
  5. Do a cartwheel. 
  6. Run races with my brothers. 
  7. Be a better blogger. (er...I feel like you guys need to tell me if this happened.)
  8. Write more. 
  9. Draw more.
  10. Sing more. 
  11. Play piano more.
  12. Be generally more efficient and organized.
  13. Go skating.
  14. Go swimming. 
  15. Climb another mountain.
  16. Climb a tree. 
  17. Write a song (?)
  18. Write a poem.
  19. Write a short story.
  20. Learn more about blog design. 
  21. Buy  get a new camera. 
  22. Travel.
  23. Get a job. 
  24. Get my learners.
  25. Make some jewelry. 
  26. Paint a picture. 
  27. Pray the rosary more. 
  28. Dance in open spaces.
  29. Jump in a lake. 
  30. Take a picture of a rainbow.
  31. Skip for three minutes.
  32. Eat spaghetti. 
  33. Tell each member of my family that I love them. 
  34. Tell all of my friends that I love them. 
  35. Hold Angele's new baby sister. 
  36. Teach Septimus to say my name. (stubborn child)
  37. Stick my face in the snow. 
  38. Fill another diary. 
  39. Start a scrapbook. 
  40. Quit obsessing over The Hunger Games.  (I still like it. I'm just not 100% obsessed. ;)
  41. Or maybe just quit obsessing altogether.
  42. Swim in the ocean.
  43. Watch the rest of Season 2 of Sherlock. 
  44. Watch 25 sunsets. (this was easy since it sets outside our kitchen window and so could be done during dinner.) 
  45. Curl my hair. 
  46. Paint my nails. 
  47. Watch The Hunger Games in theaters. 
  48. Watch The Hobbit in theaters. (not yet! arrrgh!)
  49. Send 25 letters. (don't think I made it up to 25.)
  50. Learn to ballroom dance.
  51. Pick wildflowers. 
  52. Roll down a hill.
  53. Design some clothing.
  54. Learn to talk in a foreign accent. 
  55. Not be so shy of my fellow teenagers, especially the boys. 
  56. Pulls up my marks on Math.
  57. Actually get fit.
  58. Bake a pie. 
  59. And maybe a cake.
  60. Learn how to use icing.
  61. Read 80 books. 
  62. Re-read LoTR and The Hobbit. 
  63. Finish reading all the Sherlock Holmes mysteries. 
  64. Finish this list.  
  65. Get 300 followers.
  66. Stand on my hands.
  67. Build a snowman.
  68. Go sledding. 
  69. Stop putting off my online class homework for as long as possible.
  70. Doodle. 
  71. Set up the art studio/sewing room downstairs. 
  72. Re-learn to knit. 
  73. Make myself a hat and scarf.
  74. Pair my socks.
  75. Go to Midnight Mass.
  76. Lie in the grass. 
  77. Learn to ways to do my hair
  78. Host a tea party. 
  79. Laugh at least twice a day. 
  80. Stop being so tired all the time. 
  81. Get my hair cut. 
  82. Stop biting my nails.
  83. Comment on other people's blogs much more often.
  84. Play hide-and-seek. 
  85. Fill at least half of my sketchbook.
  86. Build...something. 
  87. Cook a fancy meal. 
  88. Finish Chuck.
  89. And possibly Merlin.
  90. Watch North and South with at least two of my friends. (this was such an accomplishment for me.) 
  91. See my Grandma. 
  92. Visit the library. 
  93. Pay off all of my library fines. 
  94. Buy a really nice dress. 
  95. Plant a vegetable garden. 
  96. Officially learn Military time. 
  97. Find something to be happy about every day.
  98. Get a really nice tan.
  99. Host a giveaway.
  100. Memorize some History dates.
  101. Be more patient. 
So there we have it, everyone. I completed 54 of 101 goals. That's...better than I thought, but still pretty bad. The bright side, however, is that I still have 47 goals to complete. So here we have a revised list;

  1. Learn a new Pride and Prejudice piece on the piano. 
  2. Sketch Peeta Mellark. 
  3. Sew a skirt. 
  4. And maybe a regency dress.
  5. Draw more.
  6. Be a better blogger. 
  7. Play piano more.
  8. Be generally more efficient and organized.
  9. Go skating.
  10. Climb another mountain.
  11. Write a song (?)
  12. Write a poem.
  13. Write a short story.
  14. Travel.
  15. Get my learners.
  16. Dance in open spaces.
  17. Take a picture of a rainbow.
  18. Skip for three minutes.
  19. Teach Septimus to say my name.
  20. Maybe just quit obsessing altogether.
  21. Swim in the ocean.
  22. Watch The Hobbit in theaters.
  23. Send 25 letters.
  24. Learn how to ballroom dance.
  25. Roll down a hill.
  26. Design some clothing.
  27. Learn to speak in a foreign accent. 
  28. Pulls up my marks on Math.
  29. Actually get fit.
  30. Bake a cake.
  31. Learn how to use icing.
  32. Get 300 followers.
  33. Stand on my hands.
  34. Build a snowman.
  35. Make myself a hat and scarf.
  36. Pair my socks.
  37. Go to Midnight Mass.
  38. Stop biting my nails.
  39. Stop putting off my online class homework for as long as possible.
  40. Comment on other people's blogs much more often.
  41. Fill at least half of my sketchbook.
  42. Finish Chuck.
  43. And possibly Merlin.
  44. Find something to be happy about every day.
  45. Get a really nice tan.
  46. Host a giveaway.
  47. Memorize some History dates.
What did you all accomplish last year?

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