
new idea: a week of pinterest hairstyles

by - October 18, 2012


If any of you follow me on Pinterest, you know that I have a large-ish collection of hairstyles in my board entitled "lovely locks." What can I say? I adore hair. I love hairstyles. I'm not exactly skilled when it comes to the area of styling hair. But I'd like to get better. And you know what they say, practice makes perfect!

So I've had this idea. I'd like for lots and lots of people to join me in a sort of blog event that will take place in two weeks  sometime in the new year. Check back! I'm calling it A Week of Pinterest Hairstyles. (not very catchy. I have no imagination, but you all knew that already.) 

What I'd like to do, is for everyone with a Pinterest account to either pick eight hairstyles, from their hairstyle board, or from their dashboard, and pin them into a new board, which will be called A Week of Pinterest Hairstyles. These are the hairstyles you will wear on yourself, one style per day for eight days (so if you're like me, and have little experience, try going for the simpler styles).

 Then, you will take pictures of the hairstyles and post them both on Blogger and Pinterest. One post/pin per day. You can write about what you thought about the style, if you changed anything, if you wore it out and about, what supplies you used, whatever. The first thing you will pin will be the banner at the bottom of this post (you can either pin it straight there or repin it from somewhere else). 

IF you do not have a Pinterest account, and have no desire to get one, that's totally fine! You can browse through the website, or any other websites you like, and find eight hairstyles you'd like to try. And vice versa.  If you don't have a blog, that's fine too. 

Once the event starts, I'll set up one of those programs so you can all come here and link your blogs/pinterest boards/other websites up. Once the event is over, I'll create a masterpost with all the links for all the days, so everyone can see them all! I might even organize it so we can all vote on our favorite styles of each day, and then the best style (and stylist!) overall.

What do you all think? Please pin this badge and stick it on your sidebar to get the word around! (My Pinterest profile is HERE, and the board is HERE!)


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