

by - December 01, 2011

Well, ladies and gentlemen, a little while ago, I broke 100 followers. I am so happy, but also a little embarrassed. I almost never post, and rarely do a good one at that.

So I thought you all deserved a reward for following me, despite my failure in the blogger world. And because I want to say thank you.

I'd like to have a giveaway, but I'm not sure how to get a sponsor, where, or anything like that. So I'm appealing to my followers for help. Any suggestions? If I can't find anyone, I might end up making some jewelry or something like that.

Help is certainly appreciated!

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  1. I've never hosted giveaways, but I have heard the the way most people do it is by emailing the esty shop owner and ask if you can promote them by hosting a giveaway of one of their items from the etsy shop on your blog. Hope that made some sense!

  2. Oh, Gwenea, you aren't a bad blogger! :)

    You can email shop owners on Etsy. That's what I'm doing right now in preparation for a giveaway of my own. ;) Hope this helps.



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