
Sunday mornings

by - November 20, 2011

I was thinking, early this morning when I woke up, that I didn't really like Sunday mornings. The stressful running around to get to church on time isn't exactly pleasant.

With this in mind, I got out of bed and went downstairs into the kitchen, and abruptly changed my mind. The sun was rising, the mountains out the kitchen window looked spectacular, mum was frying bacon, and my dad was listening to U2 on his laptop.

This is actually a typical Sunday morning in my family. Early in the morning, we laze around, and make brunch.  Usually it involves syrup, fruit and bacon, and today it's waffles. I love waffles. We haven't had waffles in ages.

There's snow all over the ground, quite a bit of it, so the early morning light is making the ground and the houses and the tips of the trees glitter and shine. It's almost magical, and for just a moment, I don't completely dislike snow.

A bit later, we'll be cleaning up from breakfast, running around the house looking for missing dress shoes, ties and socks. I'll be frantically wondering which shirt to wear, because I'm...not smart and didn't completely organize my Sunday outfit last night. And I haven't unpacked my dress shoes.*sigh*

But for now, everything is almost perfect. No one's arguing, baby Septimus is 'singing,' I can hear the younger ones laughing and giggling. This is going to be one of those moments that I cherish forever, I know it.

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  1. Actually your Sunday morning sounds quite relaxed. Daddy wakes us "big kids" up around 6:45ish usually. Then we rush around preparing our breakfast (usually oatmeal or farina (it's like cream of wheat)), throwing something together for the potluck we have every Sunday at our church, and get everyone dressed, fed, and out the door by 9:00am. It's an hour and 15 minute drive to church from where we live. There are 12 of us altogether in our family, so it's quite a trek and stressful, but once we're out the door, we're normally fine. :)


  2. Your Sunday mornings sound a lot more relaxed then mine! We eat around 10, and the whole morning is rush rush rush.


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