
Oh my goodness.

by - November 09, 2011

A few days ago, I was idly scrolling through my stats, and checking out the traffic on this blog. Where the references were coming from, that sort of thing. One of the links that kept appearing was a "best homeschooler blog design," which aroused my curiosity. So I clicked on it.

Some amazing person nominated my little blog as one of the best homeschooler blog designs out there! I am so thrilled. I know I won't win, since I've got some pretty tough and popular competition, but still. I feel very special.

So, I know this is asking a lot, but would you mind terribly if I asked you to go HERE and vote for me? It would make me so happy, and I might even host a giveaway! (Just as soon as I find a sponsor.)

Go to THIS post to vote in all sorts of different categories! And don't forget to vote Living on Literary Lane as best teen blog! ;D

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  1. I am so excited for you!!! I just went and voted for your blog!! I hope you win!! I found out that my blog was nominated for for the best teen blog award. I was very surprised.

  2. I love you..

    Puzzle Pirate head..


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