
Sunday outfit

by - October 09, 2011

It's October. Here in Alberta, that means that the weather can never make up it's mind (then again, it does that all year round, excluding winter). So that means, one must dress prepared for warm weather, warm-ish weather, cool-ish weather, cool weather, or cold weather. Right now, we don't have to worry about freezing weather. I dearly hope.

Keeping that in mind, I dressed in layers. The weather broadcast said 10° C, which meant that it could be anywhere from 5, to 10, to 15.

But you probably'd just like to see the outfit now.

The awesomeness of Picnik. I was too lazy to use GIMP.

                  Cami: Le Chateau
           Shirt: George
                          Cardigan: Singe Denim
                                                                            Skirt: Thrift store. I must have removed the tag at some point.
               Leggings: Adidas
               Boots: Dollhouse
                                 Scarf: Borrowed from mum.

On another note, thank you everyone for your prayers. While life hasn't really much improved, I've sort of...toughened up. That is to say, I try my best not to let what's going on hurt me, to focus on the few positives, and keep my chin up. Oh God, Mother Mary, where would I be without you?
I've discovered that I have more strength than I knew I had. I suppose that the Lord is trying to tell me something. And I suppose I haven't been listening very well.

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  1. Hey gwen,

    Everything is going to work out you will see.

    Oh and awesome outfit!

  2. Just one thing I'm going to bug you about: "Scarf: Borrowed from mum."
    lol that's kinda funny

    Things will get better, and it could be worse - think of all the girls who can't afford to get dressed up.
    Anyway Max is about to turn off my computer so I better go - love you!

  3. LOVE the splash of purple. This poor world need more purple in it.

    We all have more strength then we can imagine, when leaning on heavenly beings.


  4. I. love. the boots. they're awesome in Gisborne proportions.

  5. i love the boots too :D, Gwen, you always manage to look so put together! Your tast is quite like mine, I have to say :)


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