

by - September 09, 2011

I went to a costume exhibit a little while ago! It was fantastic!

I recognized most of the costumes. There was;

Mrs. Barrie's evening dress from Finding Neverland.

This was one of my favourites. So elegant and lovely!

Also, I just noticed this now. We saw this dress, only it was featured for another movie.

We saw Sherlock Holmes' and Doctor Watson's most commonly worn outfits from the movie Sherlock Holmes.

The Holmes outfit was lacking the hat and leather "fanny pack," and Watson's tweed suit looked decidedly itchy and uncomfortable, as well as sort of goofy.

We saw a lovely green dress worn by Beatrix Potter in Miss Potter. I haven't actually seen that yet, but I really, really want to.

I also liked this one a lot. The sleeves are just gorgeous.

The highlight of the visit, for me anyway, was seeing a Little Dorrit dress!

I knew Clare Foy was small, but I didn't realize how small. When I was in front of the real dress, I saw how tiny she is! Even the bonnet is minuscule!

We saw one of Marianne's dresses from Sense and Sensibility.

I've always loved this bonnet and dress, but I didn't realize how adorable it was until I saw it this afternoon. The long coat/dress is just adorable, and her dress is lovely. I want it. Badly. Actually, I wanted almost all of the dresses there. Heh.

We saw a duplicate of Jack Sparrow's outfit. The original, apparently, had been reduced to mere shreds after all the filming.

Actually, now that I'm looking at this picture, I realize that they were missing a lot of little bits and pieces. That belt across his chest, that sash that he's got his revolver in, his headscarf...things like that.

We saw Rodmilla's dress from Ever After.

Apparently, according to the actress, this dress is actually very comfortable. I believe her. It's all velvet, and lovely...

And, we saw Christine's pink masquerade gown from The Phantom of The Opera!

Oh, this dress. This. Dress. I want it. It's so beautiful, and girly, and flowery, and pink, and aaaahhhh!

I want it.

We saw several other costumes, but I don't remember the movies most of them were from, since I'd never seen them or heard of them. The only thing about the whole trip that I found disappointing was that there were no costumes from The Young Victoria. I was quite heartbroken about that.

Now I'm in a costume-mood (watch out, google!) and am probably going to be glued to Costumers Guide for   a very long time.

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  1. OH MY GOSH..... Haha I wasn't familiar with ANY of those movies... except Jack Sparrow...
    UNTIL THE LAST TWO!!!! Ever After is my favourite movie and nobody knows what it is! And then phantom was my obsession for a couple years. :DDDD

    Glad you had fun. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


  2. that looks like *such* a delightful place to visit.

  3. :( no letter in a very long time...


  4. I saw almost all those movies, except for Little Dorrit and Finding Neverland.
    They're all amazing :)

    (What?! Not even his head-sash-thingy?? Not impressed...)

    Looks like you had lots of fun :)
    Happy Birthday again..

  5. That's so cool! The dresses are really pretty!

  6. What an awesome experience! Rodmilla's gown, Marianne's outift, Christine's Dress, Jack's outifit. Ooooooooh! If I'd been there I'm sure I'd be radiently happy.


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