
Tutorial: How to put brushes into GIMP

by - January 13, 2011

This tutorial was requested by Guinevere. I had hoped to simply Google it, and leave them a link, but alas, not being able to find a simple, straight-forward tutorial that a normal human could understand, I decided to do my best to make one myself.
*If you have any problems or don't understand, don't hesitate to leave me a comment!*

Step 1: Download some brushes that you like. You can either google Free Gimp Brushes, or look them up on your favorite graphics website. Need some recommendations? Ask me!

Step 2: Go into the DOWNLOADS file on your computer. The brushes should be there, in a Zip file. You need to 'extract' those files. To do so, simply right-click the file and click either Extract or Extract All. (Options may differ, depending on the computer) After you extract the file, you can delete the zip file. 

Step 3: Open GIMP. Go up to the toolbar and click the Edit button. Go down to the bottom of the Menu and click Preferences. A new window should open up. Go down the side-menu and click the plus sign by the FOLDERS button. 

Now, right underneath the folders button, there is a BRUSHES option. Click on it.

This is mainly what it should look like;

See that first line of what looks almost like a URL? This is the location of your Gimp Brushes. The reason I've circled is New User 2 is because that changes with the name of your user profile on your computer. Mine, conveniently is called New User 2.

Step 4: Open a file. It can be anything, Documents, Pictures, Desktop, whatever. Go back to your Preferences Window (That you kept open, right?). Type (you can't copy and paste) the "URL" into the searchbox at the top of the file (see, I opened Pictures);

 Step 5: Type ENTER, and then you'll be inside your GIMP folder. At the very top, there should be a file 'brushes.'
Open it.

Step 6: Make sure you still have your Downloads file open in a SEPARATE window.
Go into it.
Copy the brushes file you downloaded off the internet.

Step 7: Go baaaack to the Gimp/brushes file, and paste the brushes into that file.
Ta da!

You're done!

*If you kept Gimp open this while time, then nothing will happen. After you add brushes, you have to shut off GIMP and open it again.

God bless!


P.S. You can do the same thing with Fonts, only downloading fonts folders and blah blah blah

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  1. :) glad to see you're back in the blogosphere and helping people out! I really wanna get into GIMP/photoshop soon. To start photography and blog designing. But it looks soooo complicated. *sigh*
    Sorry you haven't gotten my letter yet. :/ I sent it a couple weeks ago.


  2. Bleah: Thanks! I'm glad to be back! I suggest getting GIMP. it's great, and it's FREE. If you want the link, tell me!
    I got your letter, I just need stamps!

    Milisande: You're welcome darling!


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