

by - April 29, 2010

 Whole Wheat muffins;


2 cups all purpose flour
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup white sugar (that's what he recipe says, but I use organic cane sugar every time, and it tastes fine)
6 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups milk
2/3 vegetable oil (I just use olive oil)
2 eggs

This is the recipe doubled. I doubled it because 12 muffins lasts about a day and a half in this house. This will make 24 muffins, but if that's too much, just half it.

Here is my arrangement of the tools I would need( I hadn't gotten the bowls out yet)

 I didn't have enough baking powder, so I made it. For all you who may have the same problem as I (the recipe calls for a LOT of baking powder!) Here is a quick way to make baking powder:

Put 4 tablespoons of Cream of Tartar in a jar with 2 tablespoons of Baking Soda and 2 tablespoons of Corn Starch. Shake it up, and Voila!

Line two mufin trays with muffin cups, or grease them with butter

Heat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).

In a meduim bowl, combine Flours, sugar, baking powder and salt.

                                   Mix Well...........

In a different bowl, pour eggs, oil and milk, and whisk well.

                                     Pour the mixture into the bowl of dry ingredients


 Mix just until the dry ingredients are damp

Take two medium sized spoons and spoon large-ish globs of batter into the muffin cups. I never measure them officially, I just..........follow my intuition?

Put then in the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. 

Let cool for 1 minute. 


       These are my favorite muffins ever. I prefer plain and simple, but if you like, you can add about a cup of berries or chocolate chips or whatever you like.

Well, I'm off to enjoy a cup of tea and a fresh muffin, while listening to that bothersome snowy wind.


It's APRIL!!! My goodness!

Oh yes, and Haley awarded me!!! 

I award




I'm pretty sure everyone else has been awarded with this.

God Bless!!

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  1. Love the makeover! I especially like the header!

    The whole wheat muffins sound good! My family doesn't (or we *try*) not to eat white flour, so this seems like a good recipe.


  2. Isn't the header lovely?

    Yeah, my mum's a bit of a health...person, so we don't eat very much stuff like that.

    They are veeery good though!



  3. The new look is cool! I like it.
    We also try not to use white wheat....these sound good...I might try some :)

  4. I made a cake the other day! Pretty strange for me, since I'm absolutely not a cooking person XD Maybe I'll try your muffins next!


  5. Hey Kendra...welcome to m' blog!

    Yuo, the muffins are deeeelicious. Glad you liked the post!

    God Bless,


  6. Oh those muffins look so yummy! I love homemade stuff, but I've never made my own muffins before (unless you count using cake mix). I have to try it, thanks :)
    And thank you for the award too... I'm honoured.))
    Have a terrific Thursday!

  7. Thanks for following my blog! You have a very nice blog yourself.
    I might be interested in occasionally contributing to your elven blog if you're still looking for people. Let me know!


  8. That would be great Jane!

    leave me a comment with your blogger account e-mail ,so that I can give you permission.

    I won't publish it, I promise =D



  9. Hey, thanks for asking about the cost. Right now, they're FREE. But once I get my laptop and Photoshop I'm going to be charging somewehre from 40-50$ to make a blog look like mine! :) Just so you know that's pretty cheap(er) b/c most run anywhere from 60$ to 100$. :)

    ~Awel P.

  10. Dear Gwenea, thanks for your order! I'll keep it in my inbox so that when I start up the orders again, you'll be fist in line! They'll probably be opened again after my blog party completed orders! :)

    Thanks again! I trully appreciate it!

    ~Awel P.

  11. Thats sooooo cool how you take pictures of all the steps as you doing them!!!! I love it! I love those muffins too!!!!! Do you like take the picture yourself??? Thanks for posting!!

  12. Thanks Molly!

    I took a few pitures, by my younger brother took most of them.




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