Lately, I will admit, I have been feeling grumpy and downright depressed. Like, really depressed. But today, although it was megaaaaa busy, was a turnaround. First, I went and babysat until 12:30. Came home, made lunch, ate lunch. 1:30, went to the chiropractor, then walked across the street to the BFM thrift store, where they were having Their Grand opening. It was nice, they served coffee and cake, and I got shoes, a skirt, Little Women movie (yes!) two board games, and a little broom for Mariana. It added up to $12.40. Mwahahaha. I love thrift stores. Then ( by the way, we were at the thrift store until 2:45 :P) we went to the butcher shop to get meat for our special St. Patrick's day dinner, and then to Blockbuster, and we rented Radio. The only downside was that when I walked in, a huge cardboard replica of Edward Cullen stared me right in the face. Ugh. Three more days to the dreaded event. But never mind that. Got home, and then rushed off to Diego's piano class. The whole time I was squirming, waiting to be out of that class and into the sunshine, and walking home. I fairly skipped ( I did) out of her house, and down the street. Then I ran. Diego yelled at me to stop and wait for him, but I couldn't. I was exuberant. I felt like a lunatic, bit I didn't care. Really, I felt like I was shedding all the depression and grouchiness with each step. I felt fantastic. I didn't stop until I came to the end of the road, and screeched to a halt because there were several cars speeding by ( they go way to fast down by the school zone). I crossed the road and as soon as we got into the school field, I ran again. By the time I got home, I was exhausted, tired, and joyous. I guess sitting inside, cooped up in our teeny house was not very good for me. I was going to do a post on St. Patrick, but I'm too wound up to stay in front of this crummy computer another minute.
God Bless!

God Bless!
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